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The Barn Dance is a Mickey Mouse short animated film first released on March 15, 1929, as part of the Mickey Mouse film series; more The Barn Dance is a Mickey Mouse short animated film first released on March 15, 1929, as part of the Mickey Mouse film series; it was the first of twelve shorts released during that year. show less

Mickey Mouse runs a cheap opera house and performs on stage as a snake charmer, a belly dancer and a long-haired pianist.

While Tom Cat goes away hunting, Mickey, Minnie, and their mouse friends break into his house and perform music. They play more While Tom Cat goes away hunting, Mickey, Minnie, and their mouse friends break into his house and perform music. They play various tunes on the piano while the other mice hit household objects in tune to the music. show less

Mickey, and a ragtag group of mice, defend their farm from a group of cats, in a sort of small-scale version of the Civil War more Mickey, and a ragtag group of mice, defend their farm from a group of cats, in a sort of small-scale version of the Civil War (complete with appropriate uniforms and "Dixie"). show less