
As the encased Annie is taken into custody, Hange and her team discover the Titan sealed inside the walls. Pastor Nick of the ...read more As the encased Annie is taken into custody, Hange and her team discover the Titan sealed inside the walls. Pastor Nick of the Wall Cult appears, urging them to cover it from sunlight. After the Titan is covered with sheets, Nick refuses to tell Hange why it is there, even after she threatens to kill him. She suspects that more titans are hidden within the walls. Meanwhile, Erwin is informed that Wall Rose was breached and Titans are roaming inside. 12 hours earlier, the rest of the 104th Trainees are stationed at an outpost when Titans are seen advancing from the south. Mike Zacharias orders the soldiers and trainees to spread out and inform the nearby villages and the capital about the Titans while he stays behind to delay them. In Stohess, Eren wakes up with Mikasa at his bedside and Armin tells them the Titans have breached Wall Rose. Back at the outpost, Mike buys enough time and prepares to escape, but is captured by a mysterious ape-like Titan covered in fur that is capable of speaking. The Beast Titan inquires about his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment (立体機動装置 Rittai kidō sōchi), but Mike does not answer, so the Titan strips Mike of his gear and leaves him to be eaten by the other Titans. show less

As the encased Annie is taken into custody, Hange and her team discover the Titan sealed inside the walls. Pastor Nick of the ...read more As the encased Annie is taken into custody, Hange and her team discover the Titan sealed inside the walls. Pastor Nick of the Wall Cult appears, urging them to cover it from sunlight. After the Titan is covered with sheets, Nick refuses to tell Hange why it is there, even after she threatens to kill him. She suspects that more titans are hidden within the walls. Meanwhile, Erwin is informed that Wall Rose was breached and Titans are roaming inside. 12 hours earlier, the rest of the 104th Trainees are stationed at an outpost when Titans are seen advancing from the south. Mike Zacharias orders the soldiers and trainees to spread out and inform the nearby villages and the capital about the Titans while he stays behind to delay them. In Stohess, Eren wakes up with Mikasa at his bedside and Armin tells them the Titans have breached Wall Rose. Back at the outpost, Mike buys enough time and prepares to escape, but is captured by a mysterious ape-like Titan covered in fur that is capable of speaking. The Beast Titan inquires about his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment (立体機動装置 Rittai kidō sōchi), but Mike does not answer, so the Titan strips Mike of his gear and leaves him to be eaten by the other Titans. show less

Connie grieves for the death of his family while his senior Lynn tries to assure him they might be still be alive since no ...read more Connie grieves for the death of his family while his senior Lynn tries to assure him they might be still be alive since no bodies nor blood was found despite Gelgar's suspicions since the village horses are still at their stables. As Connie rejoins his group to find the breach in the wall, the Titan in his house speaks to him, saying "Welcome Back." Elsewhere, Ymir asks her seniors Nanaba and Henning to allow her and Krista to leave their group since they don't have their gear which the latter tells Ymir not to worry about her. Eventually, both groups meet up but are surprised to discover there were no breaches at the Walls and rest up at Castle Utgard. Meanwhile, Hange explains to Eren that she discovered the hardened crystallized skin that Annie created from her Titan form is the same material that the Walls are made of which might help them seal the breach at Shiganshina if Eren can learn to do the same thing. After witnessing the flight of the people of Wall Rose due to the Titans, Pastor Nick relents and tells Hange that a 104th Trainee can help her find the answers she seeks; this is none other than Krista. Following this, an out-of-breath Sasha arrives and hands Hange a report. Shortly thereafter Hange and her group head to Castle Utgard. In the meantime, Titans, led by the Beast Titan, attack Castle Utgard despite it being night time, forcing Gelgar, Lynn, Nanaba and Henning to defend the 104th Trainees. show less

Two hours before the attack by the Titans at Castle Utgard, the 104th Trainees rest as their seniors keep watch. Connie mentions ...read more Two hours before the attack by the Titans at Castle Utgard, the 104th Trainees rest as their seniors keep watch. Connie mentions the Titan he encountered at his village resembled his mother, but Ymir plays it off. Reiner becomes suspicious when Ymir is able to read the unknown language on a food can. The Titans soon appear, and Nanaba and the Senior Scouts hold them off from the outside while Connie, Reiner, Bertoldt, Ymir and Krista defend themselves against smaller Titans that have breached the castle. In the process, Reiner has his arm badly injured after it is bitten by a Titan. After clearing the area of Titans, the Beast Titan throws chunks of Wall Rose at the castle, killing the group's horses. A second wave of Titans subsequently attack the castle, and the senior soldiers are soon overwhelmed and killed. As the Titans surround the tower the unarmed Trainees are on, Ymir, in order to save Krista's life and honor the promise they made, jumps off the tower, and transforms into a Titan. show less

During their winter training in the mountains as cadets, Krista and Ymir become lost while saving fellow cadet Daz during a ...read more During their winter training in the mountains as cadets, Krista and Ymir become lost while saving fellow cadet Daz during a blizzard. Ymir accuses of Krista of having a death wish rather than saving Daz for selfless reasons. She also reveals she knows that Krista is an unwanted illegitimate child of a nobleman's mistress who was forced by the Wall Cult to change her name and join the army. Telling Krista that they were both given a second chance in life, Ymir makes Krista promise that should she ever reveal her true name, she should live her own life. Back in the present, Titan Ymir fights off the other Titans as Reiner and Bertholdt recognize Ymir as the Titan who ate their childhood friend in the past. Realizing Ymir is trying to help them, Krista tells Ymir to destroy the tower instead in order to crush the Titans. As the tower begins to collapse, Ymir orders Krista and the others to grab on to her. Despite this effort, the Titans overwhelm Ymir; only the timely arrival of Hange and the other Scouts saves them. With the battle over, Krista attends a gravely injured Ymir as the rest of the 104th Trainees learn Ymir is a Titan Shifter. Just before Ymir loses consciousness, Krista reveals that her real name is Historia. show less

After the battle, the Scouts climb the wall nearest to Castle Utgard and prepare to take the comatose Ymir to Trost for medical ...read more After the battle, the Scouts climb the wall nearest to Castle Utgard and prepare to take the comatose Ymir to Trost for medical attention. They are surprised that there are no titans in the area, especially when a patrol led by Hannes reports that the walls were never breached. As the Scouts prepare to set off for Trost, Reiner takes Eren aside and casually reveals that he is the Armored Titan, Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan, and that their mission to destroy all of humanity can be avoided if Eren would simply come with them. The episode flashes back to 12 hours earlier in Ehrmich District where Hange explains that the scroll she received earlier from Sasha contained a background report on Annie which suggests a connection with Reiner and Bertholdt, as all three are from the same area but otherwise have little background information available. After reaching into their memories of Reiner and Bertholdt, they begin to suspect that they may have helped Annie find Eren's location within the formation during the 57th Expedition. Hange therefore orders everyone to keep an eye on Reiner and Bertholdt without raising undue suspicion. Back in the present, Reiner and Bertholdt both shift into their respective Titan forms despite a quick intervention by Mikasa. The Armored Titan grabs Eren and heads down the wall as the Colossal Titan grabs Ymir. Feeling betrayed, an angry Eren shifts into his Titan form and begins to fight the Armored Titan. show less

As the Armored Titan and Eren's Titan Form engage in battle, Mikasa regrets not having succeeded at killing Bertholdt and ...read more As the Armored Titan and Eren's Titan Form engage in battle, Mikasa regrets not having succeeded at killing Bertholdt and Reiner before they shifted into Titans. Hange orders the Scouts to attack the slow-moving Colossal Titan after it "eats" Ymir and another Scout, but it releases an enormous amount of steam, wounding several Scouts and preventing further attacks. Meanwhile, the Armored Titan gains the upper hand in his fight against Eren, and despite the best efforts of Mikasa to help, the situation seems desperate. Fortunately, Eren remembers the hand-to-hand techniques taught to him by Annie during their training and he begins to seriously damage the Armored Titan. Armin implores Eren to fall back to the wall for his own safety, and much to everyone's surprise, he obliges. Hannes' patrol returns, and Hannes is shocked to see the Colossal Titan, not to mention Eren's Titan Form as well as the Armored Titan. The latter charges at Eren once more, who again utilizes grapple techniques to overcome his strength disadvantage and regain the upper hand. With the encouragement of his comrades, he is nearly successful at beheading the Armored Titan and extracting Reiner from within, only to be foiled when the Armored Titan roars for assistance. To the Scout's horror, the Colossal Titan begins to deteriorate and plummets towards Eren and the Armored Titan. show less

The Colossal Titan's falling body hits the ground, releasing a massive amount of heat and steam and enabling the Armored ...read more The Colossal Titan's falling body hits the ground, releasing a massive amount of heat and steam and enabling the Armored Titan to free itself from Eren's grasp and extract Eren from his Titan form. Bertholdt, carrying the still unconscious Ymir, uses stolen 3DMG to leave with the Armored Titan. The blast seriously injures many of the Scouts, including Mikasa and Hange. Several hours later in Trost District, Commander Pyxis, Erwin, Jean, and the other military forces are informed about the battle with the Colossal and Armored Titans as well as the capture of Eren and Ymir. Back at the walls, Armin watches over the unconscious Mikasa. While unconscious, Mikasa has a dream about the past, wherein she rescued Eren from the neighborhood bullies. She wakes, and is distraught to find that Eren is gone. There is nothing they can do about it in their current state, but Hannes gives a rousing speech reminding them of Eren's steadfast resolve, and vows to help them rescue Eren. Erwin soon arrives with reinforcements. Hange, now awake, posits that Reiner and Bertholdt may seek the relative safety of a nearby Forest of Giant Trees to rest until nightfall, assuming their goal is to relocate outside of Wall Maria. Eren and Ymir are shown waking in the forest as their bodies begin to regenerate their missing and damaged limbs while Reiner and Bertholdt watch over them. The episode ends with the soldiers departing from Wall Rose to mount a rescue operation. show less

As Erwin leads the expedition away from Wall Rose, the badly injured Hange demands a horse to ride to Connie's town to see ...read more As Erwin leads the expedition away from Wall Rose, the badly injured Hange demands a horse to ride to Connie's town to see the captured Titan who was unable to walk. Her assistant Moblit refuses and goes in her stead. Meanwhile, in the Forest of Giant Trees, Eren realizes that he has no arms, but his attempts to Titan Shift are stopped by Ymir. She points out that they are they deep within Titan territory, surrounded by Titans, weakened from their earlier battle, and only Reiner and Bertholdt possess 3DMG. When questioned, Reiner says that they are taking them to their hometown, and are waiting until nightfall, when the surrounding Titans cannot move. Eren remains unconvinced, but Ymir reminds him that they are not in a position to fight until they regenerate. Reiner begins to ramble about his duty as a soldier and warrior, which Ymir figures indicates confusion between his undercover and real personas. This infuriates Eren, who confronts Reiner and Bertholdt about the death and destruction they have caused as Titans. Ymir however, is more concerned about the ape-like Titan that caused the recent Titan invasion and who may be their real enemy. Reiner then uses Ymir's concern for Christa's safety as leverage to drive a wedge between Ymir and Eren. The discussion is interrupted by the sound of flare guns, signalling the arrival of the Scouts, which angers Reiner and Bertholdt. show less

At Connie's village, Moblit assumes the Titans destroyed it without killing any humans. However, when he is handed a ...read more At Connie's village, Moblit assumes the Titans destroyed it without killing any humans. However, when he is handed a portrait of Connie's parents, it appears that the disabled Titan is Connie's mother. At the Forest of Giant Trees, Reiner continues to press Ymir to join them, but she'll only help if they agree to take Christa with them. In a flashback to Ymir's childhood, she is taken in and worshiped by a cult, who insist she has royal blood. She lives this lie until the cult is apprehended by soldiers, who punish the cultists and Ymir by injecting them with something and throwing them off a wall, resulting in them Titan Shifting. Ymir then spends the next 60 years as a Titan, only to happen upon Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and their friend Marcel. Marcel saves Reiner, but is eaten by Ymir, allowing her to return to human form. She realizes the freedom she felt in accepting who she was instead of living a lie was why she developed such empathy with Christa. Returning to the present, Ymir convinces Reiner and Bertholdt to allow her to Titan Shift and take Christa with them. When the 104th Trainees enter the forest, Titan Ymir singles out Christa and envelops her in her mouth before rejoining Reiner and Bertholdt. At the edge of the forest, Reiner shifts into the Armored Titan, and with Bertholdt, Eren and Titan Ymir on his shoulders, he flees, with the Scouts in hot pursuit. show less

As the Armored Titan flees, Ymir removes Christa from her mouth and exits her Titan Form in order to explain her actions to ...read more As the Armored Titan flees, Ymir removes Christa from her mouth and exits her Titan Form in order to explain her actions to Christa. She claims she is doing this only to save herself, as she believes that by handing Christa over to those outside the Walls she will be granted amnesty, though in secret is trying to save her. Their conversation is interrupted by attacks from the Scouts, who have caught up to the Armored Titan. Christa convinces Ymir not to intervene as Mikasa desperately throws herself at Bertholdt to save Eren, only to be foiled when the Armored Titan surrounds the two with his hands. The rest of the 104th Trainees catch up with Mikasa and attempt to reason with Bertholdt to give up Eren but he refuses, distraughtly professing he and Reiner have done too much harm to let their mission be a failure. Hannes then orders them to scatter when he sees them charging straight towards a group of Titans baited by Erwin. As the Armored Titan is attacked by the arriving Titans, Erwin orders a charge but is carried away in the mouth of a Titan. Reiner, realizing he has no choice but to use his arms to defend himself, releases Eren and Bertholdt, but Mikasa is severely wounded by a Titan while trying to save Eren. Desperate, Armin distracts Bertholdt by infuriating him with the revelation that Annie was captured, allowing an opening for Erwin - now missing an arm - to cut Eren free of Bertholdt, allowing the injured Mikasa to finally rescue him. As the Scouts retreat, Connie and Sasha retrieve Christa and explain that Ymir is lying as she would never harm her. The retreat is hampered by the Armored Titan, who begins to throw Titans at the group, successfully knocking Eren and Mikasa off their horse. Helpless, they hear an approaching Titan and turn to face it, coming face-to-face with the same Titan that ate Eren's mother. show less

With the Scouts in a losing battle as more Titans thrown by the Armored Titan surround their position, Eren tries but fails to ...read more With the Scouts in a losing battle as more Titans thrown by the Armored Titan surround their position, Eren tries but fails to transform and is forced to watch Hannes get killed protecting Mikasa and him from the Smiling Titan. Despairing, Mikasa comforts Eren and thanks him for always being there for her. Rekindling his spirit by vowing to protect Mikasa, Eren throws a punch at the Smiling Titan, activating an unknown power within him that suddenly causes the non-sentient Titans to attack and kill it, avenging both his mother and Hannes. Ymir realizes Reiner and Bertholdt want Eren because he possesses the "Coordinate", the ability to control other Titans. The survivors escape after Eren causes the Titans to stop the Armored Titan. Feeling guilty for them, Ymir decides to leave Historia, believing she will be safe within the Walls, and saves Reiner and Bertholdt, letting them take her back to their hometown so they won't come back empty-handed. A week after the Wall Rose incident, Hange gives her report to Levi, Erwin and Pyxis, revealing the Titans that appeared within Wall Rose were in fact the people of Connie's village, shocked by her theory that all Titans were once human. Remembering how many died to rescue him, Eren vows to use his new power to help humanity, while Erwin is determined to learn more of the truth behind the Titans. Elsewhere, the Beast Titan looks out from atop Wall Maria as a mysterious blonde man with glasses emerges from its back uttering the words, "not just yet". show less