Talk To Me Directors Hint At Their Upcoming Street Fighter Universe (Exclusive)
The directors of Talk To Me, Danny and Michael Philippou, examine their upcoming Street Fighter live-action film.
This week, a new universe of terror is hitting theaters in North America as Talk To Me has made its way to the West. Created by directors Danny and Michael Philippou, the film focuses on a severed hand that allows those who hold it the chance to get possessed by spirits. Of course, in the hands of rowdy teenagers, things go from bad to worse. We recently had the opportunity to chat with the sibling directors about their upcoming take on Street Fighter, the legendary fighting game franchise.
Legendary has asked the Philippou brothers to take on the task of bringing Street Fighter to the silver screen, though many fighting game fans know that this isn't the first time that the Capcom fights were given a feature-length film. Released in 1994, the original Street Fighter movie saw Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia taking on the roles of Guile and M. Bison specifically. For the upcoming iteration, the Philippous were tight-lipped when it came to which characters might appear.
The discussion regarding the world of Street Fighter, and the director siblings' upcoming film that recreates the Capcom fighting game universe, arose thanks to chatting about the idea of the Philippou brothers taking on a horror franchise. When asked whether they would love to try their hand at creating a sequel and/or reboot for an established horror series, "We'd be too scared to! I think that if we really had that connection with one of the horror franchises, we'd be terrified that we'd screw it up! I would crumble under the pressure!"
Danny added, "We love those movies the way that they are. Taking a route of "let's do these stories our way", we don't think we'd ever do it. If we were offered Halloween or Evil Dead, franchises that we absolutely love, we wouldn't want to recreate them. We'd be scared of letting the fan base down!"
Danny then turned the discussion toward Street Fighter, the upcoming live-action film that will be the second movie to give a fresh take on this Capcom universe, "We are developing Street Fighter, but that feels different to us. There's amazing lore, characters, and world and we're looking to bring our style for action sequences into this universe."
Michael then proceeded to jokingly state that maybe they'd be more interested in diving into action movies than the horror genre, "We'd actually love to lend our takes to action movies versus horror if given the chance *laughs*."
Talk To Me is now in theaters.