When it comes to Spider-Man clones, none are more popular than Ben Reilly, the superhero known better as the Scarlet Spider. At this current point in the Marvel canon, Reilly is known as Chasm, a vengeful anti-hero trapped in Limbo. During this year's Amazing Spider-Man annual, however, the character is looking to break free thanks to Hallows' Eve. The annual will then lead directly into a new Hallows' Eve mini-series, also written by writer Erica Schultz.
"I really think that Janine Godbe, a.k.a. Hallows' Eve, was more than overdue for her own adventures," Schultz said earlier this summer in a chat with Popverse. "It's been a real treat to take her from her first solo miniseries to The Amazing Spider-Man annual, and now to another one shot adventure. I hope to be able to write more about her in the future."
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2023 #1
Hallows' Eve will attempt her biggest scheme yet: breaking Chasm out of jail! Currently imprisoned in Madelyne Pryor's new demonic Limbo Embassy, Spider-Man's misguided clone is more vengeful than ever, and Hallows' Eve is the only one who dares to let him loose! Does she have the skills and nerve to go head-to-head against the Goblin Queen? And how will the dark tidings from this year's Hellfire Gala impact her bold rescue attempt?
Written by: Erica Schultz Art by: Julian Shaw, Andrew Dalhouse Cover by: Corin Howell Page Count: 36 Pages Release Date: August 2, 2023